400+ Curated Sober, Mental Health & Recovery Apps, Podcasts & Resources
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Creative Future is running a creative writing course for Eastbourne locals : Write The World A Different Way. It’s open to all and will be tutored by local writer, Georgina Aboud. The six part series of two-hour workshops is aimed at all underrepresented writers—those who face barriers due to mental health issues, physical health/disability, sensory […]
This is a compendium of essays by, and interviews with, sober musicians Source: Sober 21 It’s a free resource for musicians who want to begin the journey or are new to the path of getting clean and sober from drugs and alcohol. Our goal is to help other alcoholic/drug-addicted musicians see the amazing freedom, […]
Sober Resources Directory - 400+ Curated Sober, Mental Health & Addiction Recovery Apps, Podcasts & Resources
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